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All-new French, Finnish, Czech and Danish solutions for PC

All-new French, Finnish, Czech and Danish solutions for PC

Jun 20, 2006

6 all-new translating LingvoSoft PhraseBooks for Windows have been added to the growing LingvoSoft catalogue of language learning applications for use on your PC. Featuring French, Czech, Danish and Finnish, they are the smart way to quickly attain fluency in another language. Featuring all the first-need words and phrases any beginner needs to start communicating; they also help refresh language skills for those who already have some basic knowledge. Containing nearly 14,000 travel-related phrases, they instantly translate in either direction between the languages you choose and the talking versions even speak their translations aloud using natural human voices as narrated by native speakers. But no matter which version you choose, to take advantage of their unique linguistic features all you need to do is simply install one on your desktop or laptop computer and start learning. Organized into 15 intuitive topic headings for easy browsing, the database is fully searchable using our award-winning search functions. Quite simply, these are some of the easiest and most user-friendly applications around and as part of our unique suite of language learning solutions, they are capable of full integration with the rest of the LingvoSoft titles for Windows.

Check out these latest winners from LingvoSoft and start communicating today!

LingvoSoft Learning Voice PhraseBook French <-> Czech for Windows
LingvoSoft Learning PhraseBook French <-> Czech for Windows

LingvoSoft Learning Voice PhraseBook French <-> Danish for Windows
LingvoSoft Learning PhraseBook French <-> Danish for Windows

LingvoSoft Learning Voice PhraseBook French <-> Finnish for Windows
LingvoSoft Learning PhraseBook French <-> Finnish for Windows

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